miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2022

My favorite piece of technology

  Dear all, 

For this week's post, you will have to write about your favorite piece of technology... Everyone gets one, right? If I think what i like the most is my telephone.. There are so many things I can do with it apart from talking to my family and friends. I can surf the net, download applications and the best thing of all is the music app where I can manage and buy music and applications. I got it more months ago and I can't live without it now..  Another device that I like is my tablet. I love the touchscreen resolution and how I can manage the applications just by moving my finger on the screen.. I have become a sort of Samsung-device guy...
I'm pretty sure you all like technology and you have a favorite device, so tell me about that.. what it is, when you got it, how often and why you use it for, etc..

I hope to hear from you soon..


miércoles, 20 de abril de 2022

T&T - translator and teacher


Hello everyone!

 If I had to choose again what to do in life, I’d choose exactly the same. I love languages in general and combine two majors in which language is the key, it's perfect!! I love being a translator and a teacher of English. It is always fun to learn new things and teach them to the students. I always wanted to have a profession in which I was going to constantly learning about new topics. When I decided to become a translator and interpreter I wasn't so aware that this would take me so far away…I’ve learnt so many things in this journey and I'm pretty happy to work in this. Being a teacher came by accident and I learnt to love what I do. Life gives you surprises sometimes and I really feel that being a teacher, it is one of them. I really love teaching and sharing with students.  And as the old saying goes “choose a job you like and you will never have to work a day in your life” … And this is true! And you, what’s your major? was it always you dream when you were a child? Tell me about it! Cheers

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2022

First words, first post

 Hey there!

I am Rodrigo and I'm your teacher of English for this semester. I was born a long time ago in Los Vilos, a small town in the north of Chile. My nuclear family is not so big but I have a lot of relatives. I live in Santiago but my family lives in Canela, a little town, close  to Los Vilos, in the 4th region so I don't visit them as much as I'd like to. 
I have a lot of things to do, so do not have enough free time to do the things I really like doing. 
I love reading, painting and drawing and I really like traveling and visiting new places.
I also like teaching English and meeting new students every term.
I really hope we enjoy this time together and have fun while learning the fascinating world of English language. 

A big hug for all of you.